Work-in-Space News2017-02-15 08:01:31

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Telkom 3S communication satellite built by Thales Alenia Space has been successfully launched

The Telkom 3S telecommunications satellite built by Thales Alenia Space for Indonesia has been successfully launched from the Kourou launch pad in French Guyana  by an Ariane 5 rocket. 
In the frame of a turnkey contract for the Indonesian operator Telkom Indonesia, Thales Alenia Space is responsible of the design, construction, testing and in-orbit delivery of the satellite. It is also in charge of the launch and early orbital positioning phase (LEOP) and in-orbit tests (IOT). In addition, Thales Alenia Space will supply control center components and will train a team of engineers on site.
Located at 118° East, Telkom-3S will increase Telkom Indonesia C-band capacity and will also offer High Definition Television and remote GSM internet services in Ku-band across Indonesia, Southeast Asia and part of Malaysia.
Telkom-3S is based on the Thales Alenia Space Spacebus 4000 family with a 6.5 kW payload fitted by 24 C-band transponders, 8 extended C-band transponders and 10 Ku-band transponders. With a launch mass of 3,550 kg at liftoff, he is designed for an expected lifetime of more than 16 years.

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